Strengthened Standards Transition

Are you ready for the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards?

The introduction of the SACQS will create a shift in the focus of the approved Provider in their dealings with the older person and the assurances that the governing body has in their dealings with the older person, their families, carers, third parties and substitute decision makers. The SACQS aim to connect the standards across the sector into a single framework, rather than the more siloed approach of the current ACQS.

Identify gaps & create your Strategic Transition Plan

Through our Complimentary Health Check and Discovery Audit, we shine a light on where you are currently at in your transition to the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.

From this, we create a Strategic Transition Plan, grouping actions into achievable pieces – enabling your team to successfully transition to the SACQS.


We support your team in the implementation of your Strategic Transition Plan. For each cluster, we close the gaps and embed changes through:

  • Education sessions relating to the cluster to ensure a thorough understanding of the outcomes related to the theme
  • Mentoring of the team around the areas for action identified in the Discovery and supporting a plan of development to close those gaps
  • Ongoing support to help overcome stumbling blocks and provide support and advice
  • Once actions are complete, we will review the implementation and outcomes against the previously identified gaps to ensure planned outcomes are achieved.

Partner in Care

We provide highly-skilled Registered Nurses to assist with the implementation of your Strategic Transition Plan.

  • Quality Manager
  • Quality Support
  • Project Manager

Pre-Audit Preparation Tool (PAPT)

Due to a more robust auditing approach, and the significantly increased time and resources required to effectively audit against the SACQS, there has been a significant change to the initial documentation request process.

Currently, 8 document sources are required and must be presented to the Assessor within an hour of the completion of the entry meeting.

Under the Strengthened Standards, although you now have two weeks to provide the information to the ACQSC, the volume of required documentation has increased exponentially to twenty document sources at the Provider level, and 39 document sources at the service level.

In order to meet this, you will need to create a very robust process to gather the required information in the required time.

We can help with this. We can prepare your PAPT and create a process for you to easily do it when needed.