Managing AN-ACC is harder than meets the eye but also provides certain workforce and Model of Care synergistic opportunities that will greatly enhance your Organisation.
We can:
Take Care of your AN-ACC
Funding for you
Support your team to take care of your
AN-ACC Funding
Education: Teach your team how to take
care of your AN-ACC Funding
All of our AN-ACC Solutions aim to achieve the following:
- Receive the AN-ACC funding you’re entitled to for the care you’re delivering.
- Be confident your Assessment, Documentation & Care Plans are compliant against the standards and written to support the AN-ACC tools
- Ensure your team are fully educated in the tool and how to deliver Congruent care and have access to Clinical Experts when they need it
- Be confident your Reclassification workflow is optimised and your Cost of Resident Turnover is being navigated
- Have consistency and transparency in Care Minutes to ease the burden of Rostering and Workforce planning.
It all begins with a:

AN-ACC Health Check (Complimentary)
The information you need to make your plan.
Do you want to know exactly how much AN-ACC Funding you are missing right now? Book a complimentary AN-ACC Health Check & receive free AN-ACC Education!
Your AN-ACC Health Check: We audit a sample of your Residents to estimate the number of your Residents with missed funding. We then present our findings so you can determine the best course of action.

AN-ACC Angels
“We take care of your AN-ACC Funding for you”
Based on your goals and the analysis we completed in your health check, we plan, prepare, submit and track through reconsideration to achieve your desired results. This is a great place to start, to quickly close your funding gaps, before moving onto our sustainable options.
AN-ACC & Clinical Executive
“We support your team to take care of AN-ACC Funding”
Our solutions easily match to your Organisation’s goals and embed into your ‘what’s working’ and close the gaps on your ‘what’s not’. Our AN-ACC & Clinical Specialist identifies residents for reclassification, then supports your team in the preparation, submission, reclassification visit and reconsideration.

MyVitals Platinum
Powerful Reporting and Workflow Software that provides visibility into revenue and actionable insights and data
Powerful Reporting and Workflow Software that provides visibility into revenue and actionable insights and data about your Organisation’s performance and workflow activity that drives revenue. It ensures you have complete transparency into your performance now, and over time.

AN-ACC & Reclassification Mastery
“We teach your team to take care of your AN-ACC Funding”
The AN-ACC Mastery Program is designed to educate your team on AN-ACC, Assessment, Reclassification and Care Minutes; and how to update and embed them into your assessment, workflow and care delivery processes in order to optimise funding & Care Minutes aligned with
your Organisation strategy. We do this by combining formal education, analysis, on-site auditing and live application of these skills by working alongside your team. By the end of this Program, your team will be able to:
- Complete Comprehensive Holistic Assessment, Documentation & Care Planning that support the AN-ACC Tools
- Identify & Prepare Residents for AN-ACC Classification and Reclassification Visits
- Identify and close gaps in Care Delivery that will impede AN-ACC Scoring
- Estimate AN-ACC Classifications
- Receive the AN-ACC funding you’re entitled to for the care you’re delivering
- Have consistency and transparency in Care Minutes to ease the burden of Rostering and Workforce planning.

Clinical Documentation & Care Planning
Get a handle on your Clinical Documentation & Evaluation Systems
Clinical Documentation, Care Planning and Evaluation systems underpin success in Accreditation and AN-ACC. It’s critical that your systems and documentation are optimised. We can either be an additional resource
to get you up to date and stay up to date using your current practices, or we can conduct a full audit to identify and rectify any gaps that may be putting you at compliance risk or impacting your AN-ACC funding.

Allied Health & Functional Assessments
Our Expert Team will complete your Allied Health Assessments and Care Planning in your system
Our Expert Team will complete your Allied Health Assessments and Care Planning in your system, ensuring they are written to support the AN-ACC tools. A handover will be conducted prior to assessment and a multidisciplinary meeting post-assessment will be conducted to debrief and discuss findings.
This Solution can be delivered on-site or remotely to ensure efficient resource utilisation.