From September 25, the DoH is transitioning some ACFI related information into the My Aged Care provider portal.
What is Changing?
• ACFI reviews and reconsiderations will be available through the My Aged Care provider portal.
• A new role will be available in the portal: “ACFI Contact”. Assigning people to this role will allow the individual to receive and act on notifications in relation to reviews and reconsiderations
• The “ACFI reviews” tile will be visible in the portal to those assigned as “ACFI Contacts”.
• All information regarding ACFI reviews, including notification of review, outcome reports and requests for reconsideration will be through the My Aged Care Portal.
• This will allow for information to be provided to the provider in real time and reduces reliance on postal services.
• Access through the portal to ACFI Frequently Asked Questions.
• Documentation related to the review process, such as ACFI Packs for “at-desk” reviews, reconsideration templates, or requests for additional information can be uploaded through the portal. The portal only accepts certain types of documents and file sizes. Refer to the DoH factsheet for more information regarding these requirements.
What is staying the Same?
• ACFI Submissions will continue to be submitted through Medicare Online.
• Timeframes and processes will remain the same, it is only access to information that will change.
What do you need to do?
• Identify which members of your team need to be assigned as an “ACFI Contact” to ensure that information can be accessed in a timely manner.
• Ensure that these team members have a My Aged Care account.
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Mathew Brincat – ACFI & Clinical Services Leader Author |