Technology! We love it…and we are thrilled that the new Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP) is a vastly improved, more secure and up to date platform than the old Aged Care Online Claiming (ACOC) portal.
However, while we are all still getting to know the system, sometimes the things we used to know how to do are a brand new process. But never fear! We have been loving getting to know the ACPP inside out (a great lockdown activity for us nerds!) and sharing what we know to help make things easier. The topic we are covering in this article is Downloading your Payment Statements as XML Files from the ACPP.
Why would I need to download Payment Statements from the ACPP?
Great question! Well, here is a great reason:
As you probably know, the ACPP allows you to view up to 24 historical months of data. Your Facility needs to keep accurate records of events you submitted to Services Australia and payments your received. Whilst your Resident Management System will most likely contain this data, best practice is to ensure you have a copy of this data, so you have flexibility in how you access this data in the future. Not backing up your data may put you in a precarious position should you need to question an event or transaction that occurred in the past.
Anything else?
You might already be a part of MyVitals – our fully automated benchmarking and reporting software – but if not, we’d love to have you join our community! To get started with MyVitals, you will need to provide 12 Months of XML statements – so this guide will step you through the pretty simple process of what you need to do. Intrigued about MyVitals and what insights it can give your Organisation? We’d love to chat – call us on 1300 419 119 or email to
You are in for a treat – not only do we have our PDF guide for you, we also have a short video that will step you through the process. You can use either by clicking on the video, or the How To button below!
This How To will guide you through downloading your Payment Statements as XML files.
We believe every Older Australian living in Residential Aged Care deserves a remarkable level of service, care and dignity. To help our amazing industry do this, we partner with Aged Care Providers to make the complex simple, so Providers can focus on giving Remarkable care. If you are an Aged Care Provider, and need help transitioning from ACOC to the Aged Care Provider Portal, you can check out our transition article series here!
Provider Assist offer a range of services to provide Aged Care Organisations the tools to run an optimised, efficient, & leveraged business model. We have data driven tools & systems built from years of experience, over 20,000 comprehensive clinical assessments & over 500,000 resident reviews, to identify opportunities for better performance in funding, systems, clinical governance & processes. To find out more, starting with our MyVitals service, sign up for more information here or get in touch on 1300 419 119 or
Does your team need Aged Care Provider Portal How To guides?
Navigating the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP) for the first time can be challenging. You want to focus on delivering amazing care – but have a new Portal standing between you and that (plus all the other changes currently happening!) Our team are happy to assist! Sign up here to receive our regular how-to series, and lock in a session with one of our team to walk you through the next steps and help you with any questions you may have.
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About the Author
Aaron Tabone is the Chief Information Officer of Provider Assist. He describes himself as the ‘hands on’ CIO – writing functional and technical scopes, analysing data and designing new systems – if it is digital, Aaron will give it a go! Aaron has lead the digital transformation strategy which included digitising MyVitals, creating ACFI Assessment Hero and Revenue Hero, integrating Provider Assist to Medicare’s API channel and migrating the business to Salesforce. Aaron has a passion for Aged Care data and has been a key stakeholder to Services Australia for their new Aged Care Provider Portal and Web Services data channel. Aaron’s work has been recognised by Salesforce through a number of case studies and speaking appearances at World Tour and Connections events.
Outside Provider Assist, Aaron recently acted as the Digital Architect on a telehealth project integrating into the Salesforce eco system, Medicare electronic claiming and electronic prescribing.
Aaron lives on the Great Ocean Road in Anglesea with his wife Victoria, son Harvey and two pugs Winston and Phoebe. When he is not working, you will find him mountain biking or running through the nearby forest, attempting to surf, cooking, gardening or enjoying a glass of wine (or two!)
To contact Aaron: Email | skype aaron.tabone1 | linkedin aaron-tabone